The thoughts pulsing through my head won't allow sleep. They force me to write. Force me to purge the contents of my mind, thus allowing the pulsing to recede to a slow, breathing existence--the contents thereof emptied on wasted facebook time, a couple paragraphs of writ, and a chapter or two of scripture.
Exactly 2 months from today. That epic, changing day. It's hard to not think about it, hard to not dwell on it. 2 months. 1/12 left. Next month it will be 1/24 left. And the month after that...
I feel a perpetual impatience with life. My life is stagnant, in a strange limbo period. The calm before the changing vices of an approaching storm. It's inevitable, but still approaching. Still not here. Running to the storm would be debilitating, as the safety of the shelter would be lost; but waiting for the welcome storm to rear its head on the doorstep seems illogical as well. Reason is lost in emotion, so I continue the only way I know-- the way I've been doing it for years now. I've always known the storm would come, it just never seemed so close. It never seemed tangible.
I can't wait for this storm. I welcome this change.
Don't try to crash my rainbow,
Don't try to stop my storm.
3 years ago
Just don't forget to "buckle your seatbelt"...and then say, "Bring on the storm."
(For the record..."buckle your seatbelt" is a term I like to use when life is going to get exciting. It was in NO means a reference to any car/garage damage incurred in recent or past days.) Just thought I better add that.
Sing it girl.
I am excited for this storm...
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